Hi Perry,
Thanks for your thoughts. I especially appreciate the dates you give for those documents. The date of 65-80 for the earliest Gospel ["Mark" - who was not a disciple] is decades after the Jesus-event. Given that according to tradition Paul died in 64 CE, your list shows which writings are incorrectlly attributed to him. I did not see 2 Peter but since it followed Jude, that would correspond with the generally accepted date of mid to late 2nd century.
Your dates for the writings of the Johannine community likewise show the lateness in the evolution of their thinking and experience. The Johannine writings reflect the way they (the "beloved disciple") were handled by the mainstream Judaeo-Christian community and their points of difference.
Acts of the Apostles is so discredited as a reliable source of information that many scholars explicitly state that they will not use it in their deliberations. As your list shows, the earliest iteration was in the mid 80s, with the current version comng from about 125 CE. Many see Luke/Acts as a deliberate response to the efectiveness of Marcion. There were several books of Acts but these are not included in your listing.So who did Jesus pay the ransom to? The grave? Death?
John 6 only required belief in Jesus to have eternal life (cf 1 john 5:10-12). Nothing said about the need for anything more. John 10:17 only says he is going to die and get his life back. It does not state that this was needed for a person's salvation.
Why does God need people to murder his son before he is able to forgive? Why does Jesus need to plead with God?